It's no secret that I want to be liked. I'm the wrong person to ask if you want an honest opinion about a dress that's too tight or if you got a questionable haircut. I'll tell you you're beautiful. Partly because you are beautiful and partly because I can't muster the courage to tell you the whole truth. It looks awful. But you're still beautiful.
But I'm also not a doormat... anymore. At least I try not to be (see blog title circa 2011). I'm an opinionated people pleaser which is a tricky life to live. I'm constantly walking the line between a compulsive desire to express myself and an obnoxious need to be appreciated. Barf.
But I'm about to say something that I've never said before. It's okay if you don't like me. Not like you needed my permission, of course. It's okay if you don't like my bleeding heart. It's okay if you don't appreciate my God-is-love worldview. It's okay if you find the 10 million Instagram photos I post of my toddler to be annoying/underwhelming/monotonous or uncreative. It's okay if you think my Facebook status was cheesy. It's okay if you don't like my beliefs, thoughts, feelings, wordiness, corniness, or even this blog. It's okay with me.
But what I'm asking from all of you who don't like me or truly anyone who doesn't like anyone (.... which would be everyone, right?).... is to dislike me (or insert name of whoever you don't like) the way that I dislike cats.
Now hold up, cat lovers. It's nothing personal against you or even the cats! I've never been traumatized by a cat. It's nothing that I'm taking out on the entire cat population because of one cruel and unusual cat. It's simple. I just don't like them. I don't like the way their tails are as long as their bodies. It creeps me out. I don't like their slinky movements.
I don't like them but, damn it, I still respect them. I dig the way that they do whatever they want to. I can't say that I love the fact that our neighbor cat strolls through our backyard as he darn well pleases but I have mad respect for his give-no-shits attitude. Our dogs are barking like mad and he just struts with confidence through the yard like he owns the place. I appreciate that. I respect that. I don't like cats but I can respect them enough as a living, breathing thing that I wish them no harm. I won't call them names. I won't hurt them maliciously. I may even interact with one if it really wanted to. And I'd be kind. Maybe a little uncomfortable but kind.
Every week I see awful comments back and forth on social media. In person, I hear people use terms like "asshole" and "dipshit" to describe people who disagree with them. I've personally been called everything from "ignorant" to "bitch" to names too harsh to type. I was told I should "go to hell" for disagreeing with someone over a current events discussion. To that person and all people who don't like me, it's fine by me if you dislike me. I won't lose any sleep at night over it. But maybe you could consider disliking me the same way I dislike cats. You can just keep your distance and I'll keep doing my thing.