"I think all of the gays should be taken out back and
I remember the fire that lit inside of my veins at that moment. I snapped
my head to my right, fixing my angry eyes on the boy sitting next to me. He was a very
average boy in my small town - cute but not too cute, smart but not too smart.
I was sitting next to this very average boy on a very average day in sociology
class during the middle of our senior year of high school - our minds fixed on
the next home basketball game, who would ask us to prom, or what excuse we
would give our parents to stay out a little past curfew. We were just average
kids. Good kids. But there, right in the middle of our daydreams and our
innocence, was something that made my heart sink into my stomach. It was
sitting right next to me in a flannel shirt. The average boy with the handsome
smile, a smile that gave me butterflies in middle school, said some of the worst words I'd ever heard in my seventeen years. That smile looked like a
smirk now as his eyes met my own and he saw my outrage.
"What did you say?"
He didn't back down. He didn't even blink.
"It's just gross. You can't be mad at me for that. God
is the one saying they're going to hell. I'm just saying that I wish we could
just line 'em up and shoot 'em."
My ears were burning. I felt nauseous. My mouth went dry and
I couldn't get my voice to make a sound. I wanted to scream. For reasons I still don't understand,
the teacher kept on with the lecture. No harsh words for this boy. No
It's been over five years since this particular incident.
That fire still runs through my veins when I think about it. My ears still
burn. But I'm not silent anymore. In fact, I have a lot to say. And I pray
he reads this.
Dear Young and Misinformed,
I'm still so angry with what you said. You casually used God
as a justification for wanting gay people to die. Maybe you
were making a horrible joke. Maybe you've progressed in your thinking and you now see just how ridiculous your argument was. Maybe you are in a
healthy love and can now understand just how important that feeling is
for all people. If so - perhaps this letter doesn't apply.
But I fear that it does. I may not have been as articulate
as I had hoped to be all those years ago but I have a few things I'd love to
say if you'll give me the chance.
First and foremost, I want to state that I too am a firm
believer in God - the creator of Heaven and Earth. I believe that a man named
Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for all of us, freeing us from our sin. I
believe that we will all be judged by our Creator. Only our
And that is where we disagreed so long ago.
We have what I like to call social lenses - perspectives
through which we view the world. Despite our shared history of friends and
small town activities, you and I are going to read the Bible from two different
perspectives. You have an entirely separate set of experiences than I
do and it would be naive to assume that we would share the same
social lens when reading the Bible or anything else for that matter.
There are seven total verses in the entire Bible that could
even remotely apply to what we would now call homosexuality. Granted, the Bible
does not actually deal with the kind of homosexuality that we often see today –
monogamous, long-term, loving relationships - because there was no
concept of it back then. There was no Greek word for it, no Aramaic word for
it, and no Hebrew word for it. I believe that the Bible is the word of God.
I also believe that those words were put into the minds of men of that time and
that they wrote their respective books of the Bible through their social lenses at that time, using the words available to them.
Biblical literalists are quick to argue, “That’s what the
Bible says!” But is it? Or is that how you are reading it through your social lens? We need to determine the context and language and culture and customs of the time in which the Bible was written in order
to understand the meaning of what is truly being said.
So let's start with the most commonly used argument against homosexuality. Leviticus 20 reads: “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of
them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood will
be on their own heads.”
So there it is. Sleeping with another man is an abomination.
That’s what the Bible says. It is punishable by death. But what exactly is an abomination? It means the mother of
all sins, right? The worst of the worst, worthy of damnation? Not so
much. The Hebrew definition of an abomination meant anything that went against
tradition or against ritual. Other abominations included eating shrimp,
co-mingling crops, eating rabbit, and wearing clothes of two fabrics (i.e. wool
and linen).
When the Bible was written, the growth of the Hebrew nation depended upon making lots and lots of babies. To be frank: semen was a valuable resource and
needed to be protected. A guy in the Old Testament named Onan ejaculated outside of
the woman so that she wouldn't get pregnant and God struck him dead. The “spilling
of his seed” was against tradition, ritually impure, and worthy of death – an
And then of course there is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I have heard this story told so many times as an example of God’s disgust and
hatred of homosexuality. But let’s get some facts straight.
God declared he was going to destroy the towns of Sodom and
Gomorrah. He had heard they are exceedingly wicked towns and sent two angels to see what was up. Abraham went with the angels to visit a man named Lot. Lot was a really cool
guy, welcoming them in for food and conversation, as required by Hebrew law.
Not welcoming in strangers was a serious social no-no.
But the town of Sodom was a very wealthy community. They
didn't like the idea of strangers coming in and threatening their wealth so
they canceled that law. When law enforcement got word that Lot had welcomed in
these outsiders, they sent officers to pound on the doors of the house, telling
the visitors to go away.
Now this is where it gets tricky.
One translation reads, "Let these men come out so we
can have sex with them," while another reads, "Let these men come out
so we can know them."
It is speculated that the officers were so angry that they
wanted to gang rape these men, an act of humiliation used as punishment at the
time. Defeated members of an army would sometimes be anally raped as a means of demeaning
and humiliating them even further. The angels struck the officers with
blindness and ushered Lot and his family to safety.
The story is not about perversity. It is not about God's hatred of homosexuals. It is
about cruelty and inhospitality. The irony of it all is that by judging
homosexuality so harshly, fundamentalist Christians are disregarding kindness
and compassion and committing the very sins that got Sodom and Gomorrah burnt
to the ground. Inhospitality. Cruelty. Hatred.
But maybe we should talk about Romans 1:26. It reads: "God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women
exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also
abandoned their natural relationships with women and were inflamed with lust
for one another."
That seems pretty cut and dry right?
Except it's not.
The Jewish context for the words natural and unnatural can be translated to customary and uncustomary. It is
clear that God disapproves of same sex genital intimacy because it does not
produce children. Yet neither does sex for pleasure between a man and a woman
on birth control. Neither does sex after menopause. Neither does masturbation.
But we don't refer to those acts as unnatural because they do not produce children.
The Bible is a love story; a story of epic proportions about
sacrifice, kindness, hope, and forgiveness. Not hate. Not torture. Not human
judgment. The texts used against present day homosexuality are inappropriate because, in the time the Bible was written, it was uncustomary to see the kinds of long-term, loving relationships between two men or two women that we see today. When writing the Bible, these men could not have even comprehended the kind of monogamous, dedicated gay relationships that we see today. It was no fault of their own. It was merely outside of the social lens.
Sexuality is one component of the far greater, more powerful phenomenon of love. I am a straight, happily married woman and enjoy a healthy sexual relationship with my husband. So why is it that nobody judges how appropriate or strong our relationship is based solely on our sexual tendencies?
Because love is more than sex.
Homosexuality is not the sin. The sin is the fear and loathing of homosexuals.
Judgment is sinful. Hatred is sinful. And by using God as a justification for that hate, you are doing yourself and your faith such a disservice. God wants us to grow in our faith and in our love for one another. Hate limits us. Denying change limits us. Please free your mind from the shackles of your disgust and judgment and try to open your heart.
Marriage used to be the acquisition of a woman to a man. Yes,
acquisition. As in property. He would give her a marriage band and she was legally his. But we have progressed as a society since then. With the exception of a
few men stuck in the metaphorical Stone Age, it is a generally accepted idea that women deserve
more than that. Both men and women now exchange rings, vowing to honor and respect each other
until death do they part.
Until sometimes it doesn’t. Divorce rates hang out right
around the 50% mark in this country. Just over 41% of marriages consist of one
or both spouses committing adultery. But we’ll just sweep those stats under the
rug with working on the Sabbath and not taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Is homosexuality clumped together with the far greater sins somewhere and I didn't get the memo?
Some of the most well known Biblical literalists in the
country, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Jim Dobson, and the like, believe that
the Bible is to be read as word-for-word truth. No interpretation. No cultural
adaptation. No wiggle room. No exceptions. Except for that line about
"give all that you have to the poor" right? Their multi-million
dollar a year salaries seem to go against that one but we can sweep that right
under the rug with the others. Uff. It's getting crowded under there.
Oooh but now I'm started on Jim Dobson. He's the Focus on the Family dude whose Love Won Out reparative treatment program claims to help homosexuals
transition out of this lifestyle choice.
Because the American Medical Association, American
Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American
Psychoanalytical Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and
The National Association of Social Workers have all stated:
homosexuality should not be viewed as a mental
we do not encourage or condone reparative
or conversion therapy
sexual orientation is not a choice and it cannot
be changed
I like to think doctors and scientists know a thing or two. But aside from their medical and scientific expertise, I have my
own brain and my own heart. It is pretty common sense to think that if I were
pressured to deny a key aspect of my identity, disastrous consequences could
Studies estimate that LGBT teens are three to seven
times more likely to attempt suicide. It is estimated that every five hours, an LGBT teen takes their life. For every one who completes suicide, there are 20 more who
tried. This is an epidemic and words like yours are the fuel to the fire.
That declaration of yours that gays should be taken
out back and shot... that right there is the fuel. Did you stop to think that the boy next to you could have been questioning his sexuality? Probably not. But you're not alone. That same message is laced in the sermons regarding the perversion of
homosexuality. It is heard in the insults hurled at athletes when
they make a mistake - "sissies" or "pansies" or
Words are so powerful. And you sure did choose some awful ones. Maybe it was fear, a claim I know you will deny. Because
you're probably not afraid of anything. You're a big strong man. Definitely not
afraid of homosexuals. Disgusted but not afraid.
But at the very core of your disgust is fear. You're afraid of what social changes could
occur if gay marriage were legalized in this country. Making an
other brings a sense of togetherness for all of those outside of that label - we can be a group and all of them are outsiders. The Bible has been used in the past to justify the despicable treatment of blacks, Jews, and women, baseless justifications that we now look back on with shame and embarrassment, and yet here we (or rather you) are again: doing the exact same thing to gay people.
I refuse to hate you. I refuse to become prejudiced against the prejudiced because I will never stoop to that level. My favorite passage in the entire Bible is 1 Peter Chapter 4 verses 8-10 which reads: "Above all else, love each other deeply, because love
covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another
without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various
My God-given gift is to take the complexity of thoughts and emotions and chaos in my mind and turn it into relatable words for others to read. I strive to be a faithful steward of God's grace through my words - words of kindness, compassion, and tolerance. Above all else, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. If you take one thing from this lengthy, wordy post, let it be that right there. Above all else: love.
P.S. As I was about to hit "publish" my phone buzz buzzed. NBC News informed me that Rhode Island's governor just signed a bill making it the tenth state to allow same-sex marriage....
"You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone. Oh the times they are a-changin'!"
Yet again, a flawless read. Loved it all the way through.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a great writer, Lauren!!